Webbers Newquay Display installation
Estate Agency Installation at Webbers Newquay office.
Webbers Newquay recently tasked Durleigh with installing their Dlite LED pocket window displays and a printed wallpaper graphic. Webbers Newquay selected for a range of A3 and triple A4 Dlite LED pockets arranged in a stylish formation, the Fine & Country department had Dlite pockets mounted to a upright stainless steel post fixed to a solid oak wooden base. Above the display windows Durleigh used creative thinking and came up with the idea of vinyl graphics one predominantly blue and the other green and cream to match the building surround the Webbers choice of photos has transformed the office frontage. The wallpaper graphic is of Newquay harbour at dusk.
Dlite LED pockets can be manufactured to any size and shape to suit your window and also come with optional logo etching to make your brand stand out. Dlite LED displays can be suspended on cable and rods or floor standing units creating especially for you. Durleigh also have a range of Mlite Media Screens which work perfectly with the pockets and help with optimising your display as they can show an unlimited amount of images and constantly rotate them.
Posted on August 4th 2016