Stereotypically, medical practices are places we visit because we are not well, or we accompany someone who isn’t well, maybe we are collecting a prescription, have an appointment or general check-up.
Most of us know keeping appointments, meeting medical staff, remembering to collect a prescription can be taxing. Mix that with a medical practice that is difficult to navigate, and you have the potential for some stressful situations.
The Durleigh team understand that the medical trade is working with restrictive budgets and has a relentless workload. This means that signage and display items are probably the last thing on your mind. Do you have time in the day to think about the types of signs your centres need? From the initial cark park entrance signs welcoming the patients, to mandatory safety signage wayfaring and staff name badges? Have you thought about interchangeable door and directional signage systems, so doctors and district nurses can easily move location within a site with little down time, so the patients can navigate the building and find destinations with no trouble? What about the installation of the signage and display items you order, what day will it be done? will it disrupt your schedule? Who’s going to oversee the installation if you are not on site or not well? what happens if there is a lock down or emergency?
These may be questions you are concerned about...
Well the good news is the team at Durleigh are happy to handle your signage and display enquiries from start to finish as well as answer your questions.
Take a minute to download our medical brochure