Does your office interior inspire your workers?
Offices are still needed in the digital age to share knowledge and generate ideas.
It’s common for business owners to use large amounts of data, fancy mathematical formulas and lean production techniques to ensure they are getting every drop of productivity out of their workforce. Are they missing a trick by overlooking the importance of office design?
Companies often play things safe when it comes to decorating their premises. How many offices have you visited that have plain white walls, accompanied only by the company logos?
Studies show that providing staff with a well-ventilated and well-lit workspace can boost productivity by 16%. From ergonomic chairs to inspiring wall murals, there’s much for business owners to consider when they come to designing the perfect office interior.
A good office design will make the best possible use of the space available and will ensure that employees feel good working there. Studies show that an attractive and spacious feeling office is the best possible way to reduce staff turnover, and increase productivity.
A well thought out, contemporary office design will also create a good impression to visiting clients and help to project an organised, professional look that inspires confidence and trust. In today’s competitive market, businesses can’t afford to let shabby looking premises lose them clients to the competition.
Does your office need a refurbishment?
There are a number of reasons that an office may need refurbishing. If you have updated the company image through your web site and literature, then it is important the office space reflects the new brand. In this case a simple cosmetic update – changing colours, pictures and furniture may be all that is required to update the look and feel of the office to bring the company image into line.
Equally an office that hasn’t been updated for a few years may be looking tatty and tired, and would benefit enormously from a simple repaint, and the addition of a few new accessories such as office furniture and window blinds to breathe new life into the space.
More serious refurbishments may be required if the company has expanded and needs to accommodate more staff into the existing office space. The interior will then require space planning services, to incorporate additional desks and washrooms. This can be an excellent, cost effective solution for businesses, who do not wish to go through the upheaval of moving, and solutions can often be developed that provide the extra space without compromising the comfort of employees. Space planning can also be required in refurbishments where the business activities have changed.
Creating a winning first impression
Getting the company reception area right is key to creating a good first impression to visiting clients and shareholders. This is the first point of contact for people, and where they will make judgements about your business.
A well thought out office reception area will feel spacious and comfortable. To achieve this, choose good quality furniture and use the services of a space planning company to get the best layout for the area you have available.
Consider where visiting clients will sit, and ensure that tea and coffee making facilities are located nearby. Also add a low level coffee table to their seating area, and lay out company literature and relevant reading material to keep clients occupied while they wait. If you have articles published in trade magazines, add tabs to relevant pages to help clients find them quickly.
Make the space feel bright and energised with cheerful artwork, plants and fresh flowers. Fish tanks also work well and add a soothing element to the environment.
Also consider the colour scheme for this area, and add highlights in bright colours to create a contemporary style. It also works well to add corporate colours in detailing such as partitioning strips, blinds or artwork.
Posted on June 17th 2016